For the Intensive care/medium care unit (ICMC) of the Rijnstate hospital, VDNDP was designing architect. In the various projects for Rijnstate hospital, we used our knowledge of hospitals to create a functional, feasible and achievable architectural design where much attention was paid to the integral approach between construction and installations.
The ICMC department was completely renovated. Only the shell, exterior walls and through shafts were retained. The floor was not expanded. As a result, space to meet requirements was limited, and existing shafts with any through pipes and e-cabinets determined the layouts. Nevertheless, each room is the same size and layout as much as possible. This makes it easy for nurses and doctors to do the same work in another room. This subproject was carried out in five phases.
For the Rijnstate hospital in Arnhem, VDNDP is (has been) involved in various projects. Besides being elaborating architect for the renovation of a sub-floor on which the intensive/medium care is located, we did the technical elaboration - from DO to UO for an operating room complex, designed a new Center for Woman and Child and were elaborating architect for two cardiac catheterization rooms.
Van Wijnen and Croonwolter&Dros
Benker Bouweconomie
Brink Management/Advies
ptg advies